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时间:2022-08-09 13:10:03 浏览量:




 驻海外的美军部队 The U.S. military presence abroad 今天遭到炸♥弹♥袭击

 was rocked today when a bomb exploded... 发生在沙特阿♥拉♥伯的 In the army barracks 达兰军营 in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 联军部队 A multinational force... 前面的 8 所军营 Ripped the front 被炸♥弹♥炸毁 off the 8-story military dorm, 暴露出美军的脆弱 exposing just how vulnerable U.S. troops are here. 当值的海军陆战队 And marines on duty seem, for the most part, 被早晨的爆♥炸♥给吓呆了 numbed by the horror of the morning bombing. 有报导说 Early indications suggest this 是艾哈迈德·本·塔拉勒酋长策动 to be the work of Sheik Ahmed Bin Talal, 他是臭名昭著的极端原教主义者 a radical fundamentalist cleric known to have issued... 这次爆♥炸♥似乎是恐♥怖♥份♥子♥所为 The explosion appears to be the work of terrorists. 若证明属实 And if that is the case, 和众多美国人♥民♥一样 我也无比愤怒 like all Americans, I am outraged by it. 策动这场血腥事件的懦夫 The cowards who committed this murderous act 一定难逃法网 must not go unpunished. 沙地首领 我是鹰眼 Sand Leader, this is Eagle Eye. 已监视目标 We have a fix on the package. 他在奔驰轿车内

 It is in a

  traveling south... 卫星一号♥ Comsat 1, 你的座标是 your coordinates are as follows. 一八零五零 1 -8-0-5-0. 目标正走向目标地区 Package is approaching target area. 预计约十四秒到达 Estimated time of contact is approximately 1-4 seconds. 让开 让开 Yallah! Yallah! 我再说一次 Let me say again. 美国政♥府♥会照顾人♥民♥ America takes care of our own. 凶徒一定难逃法网 Those who did it must not go unpunished. 鹰眼 我是沙地首领 Eagle Eye, this is Sand Leader. 酋长已被逮捕 The sheik is in our custody. 他没事 He is alive and well, 明天上午八时押解 and will be delivered intact by 0800 tomorrow. 烈



 空 早晨 联邦调查局 FBI. Good morning. 大厦 联邦调查局 早安 FBI. Yes. Good morning, sir. 联邦调查局反恐怖活动特遣部队 FBI. Counterterrorism Task Force. 纽约警方来电 That was NYPD. 2 分钟前 Brooklyn South issued a code blue 布鲁克林南区

 less than 2 minutes ago, 发生胁持人♥质♥事件 and they think hostages are involved. 商业区还是住♥宅♥区 Business or residence? 在公交车上 A bus. 我们刚获知 We just got word 公交车上有炸♥弹♥ there"s some kind of bomb on the bus. 已划出安全区 Have you set up a perimeter? 正在做 Working on it. 已召唤谈判专家 我们的人就位了吗 OK. What about negotiators? We got our people on the way? 知道了 Got it. 拆弹队呢 And what about the bomb squad? 他们已到炸♥弹♥现场 They"re going in now. 去现场要多久 How soon can we get there? 这个时候 也许明天才到 This time of day? Maybe tomorrow. 去死 Oh, fuck. 开门 Open the door! 什么 What? 没人受伤 And nobody"s hurt? 这是首次警告 This is our first 也是最后警告 and last warning. 希望要求能达到 We expect our demand to be met.

 没谈判余地 There will be no negotiation. 不会再与你们通讯 No more communication of any kind. 没其他了 That is all. 要求什么 Demand for what? 听到什么要求没 You hear any demand? 可能是恶作剧 Maybe it"s a prank. 有点幽默感 Some sense of humor. 以下是我调查所得 Here"s what I know. 车内有蓝漆炸♥弹♥ B.P., as in blue paint. 变声科技 你认为如何 Voice-altering technology. What do you think? [The Sharper Image] 美国尖端印象是一个专营新潮前卫产品的商店

 是由理查德于 1977 年在旧金山成立的 尖端印象有卖♥♥的吧 Available from The Sharper Image catalog. 但尖端印象没卖♥♥油漆炸♥弹♥ Last I looked, they didn"t have an exploding paint bomb. 录音带的声音带政♥治♥性 Still, the rhetoric sounds political. 你觉的是右翼 You think it"s militia? 不像他们的风格 - 弗兰克 No, not their style. - Frank? 伊♥斯♥兰♥圣♥战♥组织没这幽默感 Islamic jihad aren"t known for their sense of humor, 哈玛斯分子靠这里筹钱 and Hamas is raising so much money here. 他们是为了什么 Why queer their deal? 回♥教♥的颜色是绿色 不是蓝色 Isn"t green the color of Islam, not blue? 说得好 把这些汇总一下

 Another good point. Tina, rub these good points together. 今天稍后替我将可疑人物 Come up with a composite of the suspects 资料重组 安妮塔 by the end of business today. Anita! 嗯 Yeah? 替我用电脑分♥析♥ Run that against the mainframe for me, OK? 迈克 实验室对油漆化验呢 Mike, lab analysis on the paint. 未完成 我们还在找 Report"s not in yet, but we"re checking 有谁曾大量购买♥♥过蓝漆 to see if any blue paint was sold in quantity. 很好 丹尼 盘问受害者 Good. Danny, how are the interviews going 有何结果 with the victims? 没发现 Not great. 查查车站 Check the bus stops. 可能有人看到疑犯上车 Maybe somebody saw him get on. 我们在周末也会进行调查 Hub, I think we"re all eager to give up our weekends on this. 但我想到一点 It just occurs to me... 这事件中疑犯犯了什么罪 Has anyone committed a crime here? 用死之颜色袭击人 I mean assault with a deadly color? 我可不乐意这样 Here"s what I don"t like. 他们懂得用炸♥弹♥ 没什么大不了 They know explosives. That"s not such a big deal. 在互联网上不是秘密 Everybody on the Internet knows explosives, 他们知道我们到现场所需时间 but they know our response time.

 打了电♥话♥后 施施然徒步离开 They put in a call, and then they walk. 这点很烦 I don"t like that. 打扰下 长官 看看这传真 Excuse me, sir. I think you should see this. 刚刚收到 It just came in on the fax. "释放他" "Release him." 释放谁 我们抓到谁了 Release who? Who do we got? 比尔·克♥林♥顿♥ Bill Clinton? 肯定不是这个 He didn"t do it. 查理·曼森 Charlie Manson? 那回♥教♥徒在四月就获释了 Hamas guy was let go in April. 还很不乐意呢 Under protest. 为何他们那么神秘 Yeah, but why be so coy about it? 你以为这是假局 You think it"s a phony? 是弗洛伊德·罗斯 It"s Floyd Rose. 有人在货仓出示政♥府♥工作证 Somebody"s flashing a government badge 我们的伙计在那里查那公交车 at the warehouse where they"re working on the bus. 我们是否在与 Our tech guys want to know if we"re cooperating 其他机构合作 with any other agencies. 她去找那条炸♥弹♥引线 She"s looking for the wiring signatures for the device 还要我们找到的 and asking for copies of any fingerprints 指纹副本

 we"ve managed to lift. 中情局人员 She CIA? 很可能 Smells like it. 她还与一些 Turns out she"s also been talking 乘客进行交谈 to some of the passengers. 哪一个是她 Which one is she? 靠近桌子那边 That"s her over there by the table. 你好 How you doing? 你好 Hi, there. 我是安东尼·哈伯德 I"m Anthony Hubbard. 助理特工主管 I"m the assistant special agent in charge. 靠 Oh, shit. 我整天都在找你 I"ve been trying to liaise with you all day. 我是艾莉诗 I"m Elise Kraft, 国♥家♥安♥全♥局的 National Security Council. 幸会 你整天都在找我 Pleasure. You"ve been trying to liaise with me all day? 没找电♥话♥簿 Have you checked the phone book? 我们有十四条线 We got 14 lines, not including the unlisted ones. 我是国♥家♥安♥全♥局的 Hi. I"m Elise Kraft. 埃莉斯 National Security Council. 你好 我是科林鲍威尔 How you doing? I"m Colin Powell.

 你查那公交车干什么 What do you people want with my bus? 哈伯德探员 我们是同一阵营 Hey. We"re on the same team here, Agent Hubbard. "我们"是什么意思 Who, exactly, is "we" on this particular team? 别不经思考就发问 It"s never the question that"s indiscreet. 这就是答复 It"s only the answer. 告诉你吧 埃莉斯 Tell you what, Elise. 你派人来发书面请求 You send me an official interagency request 要求合作 我就把 for cooperation, then I"ll give you copies 我们找到的资料复♥制♥给你 如何 of everything we come up with. How"s that? 否则的话 Other than that, I gotta ask you to leave 趁你们未破坏现场 before you contaminate my crime scene 快离开这里 any more than you already have. 中♥央♥情报局无权在国内活动 CIA has no charter to operate domestically, 所以你是违反联邦法律的 which puts you in violation of federal law. 无须这样恶言相向吧 Hey, there"s no reason to be nasty. 恶言相向 You think I"m being nasty? 你可以向我提供些线索 If you got something you want to share with me, 然后我们做队友吗 being that we"re teammates? 还没有 但一找到 Well, unfortunately, not yet, but as soon as I do... 便告诉我 You"ll let me know? 我会告诉你我准备怎样做

 I"ll tell you what I"m gonna do. 我会叫手下护送你 I"m gonna ask some of my teammates 离开这里 to escort you out of here. 这样满意了吧 Is that all right with you? 自大狂 Swell. 漂亮小妞 Peachy. 埃莉斯 Elise. 多谢 Thank you. 埃莉斯 是斯还是诗 Is that Elise with an "A" or an "E"? 幸会 Nice meeting you, too, 助理特工主管哈伯德 Assistant Special Agent In Charge Hubbard. 安东尼 Anthony. 找人盯着她 Pin a tail on her. 遵命 I"m on it. 中♥央♥情报局

 中♥央♥情报局 申请

 申请人 埃莉斯·嘉芙 你在这睡的 You sleep here? 移♥民♥局来电 Immigration called.

 在密格中找到了这些 Underneath the false bottom, we found this. 小金额钞票 猜想可能是一般盗贼 All in small bills, so we figured Smurf, right? 收到警报说有恐♥怖♥份♥子♥ And considering yesterday"s terrorist alert, 就在最近 于是叫了弗兰克 and where he"s been recently, we"d better call Frank. 是谁想向上头领功 Who"s trying to score points with his boss big-time. 他触犯法律了吗 Has he broken any laws? 没有 他携带的款项差 20 美金才到 1 万限额 No, sir. He is $20 under the $ 10,000 limit. 现在超额了 Not anymore. 卡希 So, Khalil, 你说这是遗产所得 you"re saying this is an inheritance? 有人死了 这是他的钱 Somebody died, and you"re bringing them the money. 不 是嫁妆 No, no. Doory. 他是说嫁妆 He means dowry. 看看他的脖子 Check out his neck. 拿了 1 万美金来结婚 10,000 for a wedding? 有刺青 The tobacc... 国界之争的受害者 Territories. 释放他 Put him in play. 他往北边的贝尔公园路走去 He"s heading north onto Bell Parkway. 在我的家乡 Back home the security services 别人会毒打他

 would be up this guy"s ass with a poker. 在美国 我们释放他 What do we do? We let him go. 别跟太紧 弗兰克 Stay back a little bit, Frank. 我不是首次跟踪人了 It"s not my first date, Hub. 他转入布鲁克林皇后道 He"s taking the BQE. 好像是布鲁克林 Looks like it"s Brooklyn. 可能是布鲁克林 Probably Brooklyn. 雷 交给你 He"s all yours, Ray...

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