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时间:2022-08-09 12:45:03 浏览量:






 在我六岁时 祖母去世了 When I was six, my grandmother died. 我爸把我们载到他的家乡 My father drove us to his hometown 南卡罗来纳州的威金斯 参加她的葬礼 of Wiggins, South Carolina for her funeral. 我从未见过她 因此她的死对我来说没什么影响 I had never met her, so her death didn"t mean much to me… 尽管这让我父亲很伤心 though it made my father very sad. 她躺在棺材里的样子让我感到害怕 I was afraid of her in that coffin. 虽然只有六岁 但她是我想了解的某事的一部分 She was part of something that, even at six, I wondered about. 那就是来世 The place after this one. 我担心她正从天堂往下看 由于我们年纪小 她不喜欢我们 I worried she was looking down and didn"t like us because we were young. (威金斯第七浸礼会)


 身体不胜于衣裳吗 )

 (马太福音 第 6 章 25 节)


 Where"s Dr. Zicherman? 打扰一下 Excuse me. 齐切尔曼医生在哪里

 Where"s Dr. Zicherman? 他在度假 He"s on vacation. 他没告诉你吗

 He didn"t tell you? 没 No. 这可不像他的作风 That seems so unlike him. 你每周二都见他

 Do you see him every Tuesday? 不 只是…

 No, just-- 只是 你懂的 Just, you know. 不 我不懂 No, I don"t know. 只是当我有需要时 Just if I need to. 这样的安排并不常见 Well, that"s an uncommon arrangement. 你怎么知道我会来

 How"d you know I"d be here? 常规的预约是医患关系的基础 Routine schedule is foundational in the doctor-patient relationship. 但你怎么知道我会来

 But how did you know I"d be here? 我不明白你的问题 I don"t understand the question. 但我和齐切尔曼医生并没有常规的预约 But Dr. Zicherman and I don"t have a routine. 你是怎么知道我今天有预约

 How did you know I had an appointment today? 我们每天都有日程表 We have a daily schedule. 上面有你的名字 Your name was on it. 你为何会在这里

 Why are you here? 因为我有预约 Because I had an appointment. 不是问你这个 No. 你为何会在这里

 Why are you here? 罪行包括了 The charges involved 贩卖♥♥未经登记的武器和跨州贩卖♥♥武器 selling unregistered weapons and crossing state lines to do so. 你为何会来这里

 Why are you here? 我刚告诉你了 I just told you.


 Why are you? 我来治疗精神疾病 To treat mental illness. 来对地方了 Came to the right place. 我不是执法人员 也不是法官 I"m not in law enforcement. I"m not a judge. 我对我病患的罪行不感兴趣 I don"t concern myself with the crimes of the men I treat. 我唯一关心的是保护他们的精神健康 My sole concern is protecting their mental health. 听起来你找到了人生目标 Sounds like you found your purpose in life. 你想我叫你詹姆斯还是吉米

 Do you prefer James or Jimmy? 叫我吉米 Jimmy. 吉米 Jimmy. 有些人的心理比你在生活中 Some people"s psyches are so much more fragile 遇到的大多数人的心理要脆弱得多 than most people you"ve probably encountered in your life. 比如说你的心理 Or your own, for example. 你怎么知道我的心理什么样

 How do you know anything about my psyche? 我并不了解 但我猜想你的心智相当健全 I don"t know much. But I suspect you"re of fairly sound mind. 那就好 Good to know. 但我的一些病人却不是 But some of my patients are not. 只需一个错误念头 They"re one wrong thought, 一个稍微不良的想法就会使他们发疯 one termite of an unhealthy idea from losing their minds. 如果他们失去理智 If they break, 有时就再也回不到他们之前的样子了

 sometimes the person they were never comes back from the break. 他们会失去自我 They become ghosts in their own bodies. 你为何告诉我这些

 Why are you telling me this? 我恳请你发挥怜悯心 I"m asking you for compassion 当和牢里的一些人打交道时 when you deal with some of the men in here. 一些人

 Some of the men? 吉米 Jimmy… 医生 Doctor. -我想问… -问什么

 - I"m asking-- - Asking what? 你是否会对任何一位我病人的 精神健康构成威胁

 Are you a threat to the mental health of any of my patients? 哪些病人

 Which patients? 我在给你一个坦白的机会 I"m giving you an opportunity for candor here. 我劝你认真对待这事 I urge you to take it seriously. 哪些病人

 Which… patients? 在他们埋葬了我祖母后 我爸开车带我们去了海边 After they buried my grandmother, my father drove us to the ocean. 那是我唯一一次看到大海 It was the only time I would ever see the ocean. 当他们寻找特里西亚雷特勒的 尸体时 拉里开车带马里恩警方 When they were looking for Tricia Reitler, Larry drove Marion PD 在这几条路上一遍又一遍地来回开 up and down these roads over and over and over again. “我应该是把她埋在这里 "I think I buried her here. 不 是在这里 No, it was here. 或许是在那里 Maybe it was there.

 不 我应该是把她埋在树下了” No, I think I buried her under a tree." 正是如此 Exactly. 我带他回伊利诺伊州的前一晚 他们又去了那里 That night before I take him back to Illinois, they go back out there. 同样的地方 同样的结果 Same area, same result. 我觉得她在那里的某处 I think she"s there. Somewhere. 所以他才会再次把他们带到那里去 That"s why he dragged them back out a second time. 那该死的以玩弄警方为乐 Son of a bitch couldn"t get enough of it. 我看看能不能取得这些报告 Let me see if I can get my hands on these reports. 好的 All right. 他们在湖前左转了 They took a left up here before the lake. 这里除了田地什么都没有 There"s nothing but fields out here. 在这荒郊野岭竟有这么一个不错的加油站 That"s a nice gas station for the middle of nowhere. (三区域 EZ 燃油)

 是的 Yeah. 好吧 这里应该有条运输公路 在那右转 All right, there should be a haul road right up here. Take a right there. -早安 詹姆斯 -早 拉里 - Well, good morning, James. - Morning, Larry. 我昨天没看到你 I didn"t see you yesterday. 昨天并没发生前天没发生的事 Nothing happened that didn"t happen the day before. 还有大前天 对吧

 And the day before that, right? 今天过得还好吗

 How was your day? 很好 谢谢关心 It was good. Thanks for asking.

 加里来看我了 Gary visited. -太好了 -是的 - That"s cool. - It was. 见到家人总是很高兴 他也喜欢汽车吗

 Always nice to see family. Is he into cars too? 一点点 没我那么喜欢 A little. Well, not like me. 那内战的重演呢

 But the Civil War stuff? 他没坚持下去 He didn"t stick with it. 太可惜了 That"s a shame. 他娶了一个臭娘们 He married a stinky bitch. 这… Well… 她认为重演是“变装游戏” She thinks it"s "playing dress-up." 她这么说

 She said that? 是的 Oh, yeah. 所以我告诉她…我说 So I said to her-- I said, “要是在内战时期 你就是个老处♥女♥ 一个老巫婆” "You would be a grandmother in Civil War times. An old hag." 没人会争着要她 Nobody would fight for her. 那时的新娘都很年轻 Brides were young. 都是处♥女♥ Unspoiled. 那时人们较早婚 People married younger then. 没错 很早婚 Much younger. Yeah. 我曾祖母 14 岁就生了我祖母 My great-grandmother had my grandmother when she was just 14. 这在当时是很平常的

 That was perfectly normal back then. 直到政♥府♥发现了赚钱的方法 Until the government saw a way to make money. 通过提高适婚的法定年龄

 By raising the age of consent? 完全正确 Exactly. 那时候没人上高中 Nobody attended a high school back then. 那时没高中这回事 There was no such thing. 但一旦政♥府♥意识到 But, once the government saw 可以通过设立高中来赚钱 that there was money to be made in high schools, 结果贪婪就胜过一切 well, then greed trumps all. 这与教育无关 It"s not about education. -无关吗

 -无关 而是关于… - No? - No, it"s about-- 而是关于强迫孩子慢点长大 It"s about forcing kids to delay growing up. 这样他们的父母就能 倾尽所有积蓄在补习费上 So that their parents can spend every extra dime on tuition, 那所有人都能赚钱 and everyone makes money. 这就会致使国家有一天破产 And that"s what"s going to bankrupt the country someday. 我从没这么想过 You know, I never thought about it that way, 但该死的 but damn. 或许真被你发现了 You could be onto something. 你也这么认为

 You think? 你的视角很另类 You got a fresh perspective. 以前一定有人这么说过你 You must have heard that before.

 谢谢 Thank you. 这些新娘有多年轻

 So these brides were how young? 12 岁 肯定有 13 岁的 Twelve, 13 for sure. 可以尿尿的年龄 就可以做♥爱♥了 对吧

 Old enough to pee, old enough for me. Right? 真好笑 That"s funny. 对了… Hey… 那么… So what"s the-- 和你做过最年轻的是几岁

 what"s the youngest you ever had? 你说什么

 What? 和你做过最年轻的 The youngest you ever had. 你先说 You first. 为什么 我先问你的 Why? I asked first. 你先说 You first. 14 岁 Fourteen. 她有反抗吗

 Did she fight back? 没有 你的曾经反抗过

 No. You had some fighters? 你当时几岁

 How old were you? 和那个 14 岁的

 With the 14-year-old? 她当时高一 She was a freshman. 我高四 所以我当时 17 岁 I was a senior, so I was 17. -怎么啦

 - 17 岁

 - What? - Seventeen. 拉里 Larry. 还在滴水吗

 Is it still dripping? 滴水变成漏水了 Drip"s turned into leaks. 他让他们在 400 号♥高速往东方向上 来回行驶了好几遍 He had "em drive up and down 400 East several times. 0 高速往南方向被提及了四次 440 South is mentioned four times. 250 高速往东方向 以及 375 高速往南方向也一样 So is 250 East and 375 South. 这毫无意义 This is pointless. 他带他们来回在 550 高速往东方向行驶次数最多 He took "em up and down 550 East the most. 第一回共六次 第二回共五次 Six times the first time. Five times the second. 好的 那个加油站 是在 550 和 400 高速公路的交叉口 Okay. 550 intersects with 400 at that gas station. 也许他们停下来买♥♥汽水和上厕所 Maybe they stopped for sodas and bathroom breaks. 我想当时那里并不是加油站 I doubt that gas station was there. 那加油站看起来很新 That looked pretty new. 那当时那里是什么

 So, what was there? 找到了 Here it is. 建筑工地 在 550 和 400 的交叉口 Construction at 550-400 intersection. 你好 经理在吗

 Hey, there a manager around? 戴尔一周只来几次 Dale only comes in a couple times a week. 其他时间呢

 The rest of the time? 只有我和基斯 他值 3 点到 11 点的班 It"s just me and Keith. He works the 3:00 to 11:00.


 How long you been here? 6 点开始 Since 6:00. 不 我不是问今天 你在这里工作多久了

 No, not today. How long have you worked here? 半年 Six months. 你知道这地方开了多久吗

 Would you know how long this place has been open? 我想有几年吧 A few years, I think. 戴尔和基斯知道确切时间吗

 Dale and Keith know exactly? 戴尔从一开店就在这里了 Dale"s been here since the beginning. 有他的电♥话♥号♥码吗

 Got his number? 谢谢 Thank you. 你们这里有帮人修车吗

 You work on cars here? 没有 长官 No, sir. 知道有谁修车吗

 Know anybody who does? 没有 本地没有 Not local, no. 这附近最近的汽车配件经销商在哪里

 Where"s the nearest auto parts dealer around here? 不晓得 我不喜欢...

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