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 你为什么这样对我? Why are you doing this to me? 我解释不了 I can"t explain it. 你解释不了 你解释不了 You can"t explain it. You can"t explain it. 你可以解释 你也要解释 You can explain it. You will explain it. 不 我不能 真的 No. I can"t. Really. 意外才发生不久 你怎么能做出这种事? How could you do this so soon after the accident? 那不是意外 凯瑟琳 是他有意的 It wasn"t an accident, Catherine. It was on purpose. 还有 这种过度依赖简直让人窒息 And besides, this over reliance has been suffocating. 你在那之后多久开始和她交往的? How soon after did you start seeing her? 真是个荒谬的问题 That"s a ridiculous question. 那么你回答啊 Well, answer it. 在那之前就开始了 Before. 之前 Before. 之前? Before? 我们... 我们能不能放松一点? Can we... can we please just relax? 不 你别说什么我们能不能...

 -我在求你 No, we can"t please just. - I"m pleading with you here. 行了 你没资格求我 你这混♥蛋♥ Well, you don"t get any pleas, you piece of shit. 因为我恨你 "Cause I hate you. 那么分手应该不会太痛苦 So this shouldn"t be too painful. 不 应该不会 应该不会太痛苦 No. It shouldn"t. It shouldn"t be too painful. 因为这只是所有事之外的另一件事

 Because it"s just one more thing on top of everything else. 不过是另一件事罢了 Just one more thing. 你太小题大作了 You"re being dramatic. 我爸爸是我的一切 我的家庭是我的一切 My father was my life, and my family was my life. 你曾经是两者中的一部分 And then you were a part of both. 而现在 现在我恨你 And now, now I hate you. 现在我恨透了你 你这阴险的小人 Now I hate you, you dishonest snake. 我不是要你理解我 I"m not looking for you to understand me here. 好啊 因为绝对不可能! Well, good. Because there"s no chance of that happening! 我只是觉得你不该这样拿我出气 I just think that you"ve been misdirecting a lot of anger towards me 过去几个月一直如此 我再也忍♥不下去了 The past few months and I can"t take it anymore. 噢! 噢 那敢情好 Oh! Oh, good for you. 我很高兴... 我很高兴你终于弄明白了 很好 I"m glad that"s... I"m glad that you figured that out. Good. 你感觉好些了吗? 很好 You feel better? Good. 你不觉得我们之间过度的相互依赖 Don"t you think we"ve got to the place 已经到了病态的地步了吗? Where we rely on each other too much for it to be healthy? 别试着... 去辩解 好像这样的努力 Do not try to... to justify this as some sort of effort 能够帮助我或者拯救我 好像你该死的在帮我什么忙一样 To help me or save me like you"re doing me a fuckin" favor. 好像我应该谢谢你一样 Like I should thank you. 事实就是这样 That"s not untrue. 是啊 就是这样 No, it"s not untrue.

 你还是走吧 Just go. 走啊 快走 Just go. Just go. 我不希望你看到我这样子 I don"t want you to see me like this. 走吧 求你了 让我一个人待着 Go. Please, just leave me alone. 求你了 让我一个人待着 求你了 Please, just leave me alone. Please. 走啊! Go! 《尘世女王》 中字&校对 by Lycidas@豆瓣 [周六] 你怎么在走了? Why are you walking? 我不想等 I didn"t feel like waiting. 到那儿还有大概 2 英里呢 It"s like 2 miles to the house. 好吧 Okay. 凯瑟琳 Catherine. 嗨 Hey. 谢谢你让我有地方可逃 Thanks for the exile. 这里就是为此存在的啊 That"s what this place is here for. 公♥寓♥怎么说? What"s happening with the apartment? 噢 我在这里的时候他会搬出去 Oh, he"s moving out while I"m here. 所以... 就这样吧 So... that is it. 看起来好极了 Looks great. 你一直住的房♥间准备好了

 -哦 Your regular room awaits. - Oh.

 一切似乎都距离我那么近 Everything feels so close to me. 就像世间的好与坏 Like the good and the bad. 不过现在事情也并没有那么糟 Things aren"t so bad right now though. 没有 No. 你说得太对了 维吉妮娅 You"re absolutely right, Virginia. 事情更糟了 They"re worse. 更加 更加 糟糕了 They"re much, much worse. 好了 反正你现在也不能做什么... Well, there"s nothing you can do about that now, so... 你还不如... You might as well... 他一定受了很多苦 He must have really suffered. 你知道的 我爸爸 You know, my father. 他受尽了痛苦折磨 He was afflicted. 别人都说抑郁是一种病 People say that depression is a sickness 但我从来没这么想过 But I never thought of it that way. 我一直觉得这只是他的某个麻烦... I always just thought of it as one of his problems... 就像工作或金钱那样的麻烦 你明白的 Just like work or money are problems, you know. 现在他走了 我满脑子都在想这件事 Now that he"s gone, it"s all I can think about. 噢 见鬼 Oh, fucker. 啊 该死! Unh. Dammit! 为您准备的

 -谢谢 Por vous. - Thank you. 见鬼 你们恶心得我要吐了

 Goddammit, you"re gonna make me throw up. 男人就不能为他独一无二的女士准备一杯咖啡吗? Can"t a guy fix a cup of java for his special lady? 恶 你们要是分手了怎么办? Yuck. What would happen if you broke up? 那她就得自己做咖啡了 Then she"d have to fix her own coffee. 我没在开玩笑 I"m not joking. 你们这种互相依存简直病态 You seem cripplingly codependent. 不 我们没有 No, we don"t. 我们? 你刚说... 你为什么要说"我们"? We? You just said... Why did you say "we"? 我说的是你 I"m talking about you. 这种情况下没有"我们" There"s no "we" in this scenario. 你怎么跟 Smeagol 一样 [魔戒人物 Gollum 原名 常以 we 自称] You sound like Smeagol. 吉妮 Ginny. 你怎么这么消极呢? Why so negative? 只有我最亲密的朋友才叫我吉妮 Only my closest friends call me Ginny. 维吉妮娅 你为什么总这么消极? Virginia, why so negative? 我不知道 詹姆斯 I don"t know, James. 嘿 你说过的 记得吗?

 -我记得 是的 Hey, you said, remember? - I remember, yeah. 我们将度过一个美好的早晨 We"re gonna have a nice morning. 你没法强迫某人度过一个美好的早晨 You can"t force someone to have a nice morning. 你一定可以的

 -是啊 你可以的 Well, sure you can. - Yes, you can. 我没和你说话

 I wasn"t speaking to you. 你现在和我说话了啊 Well, now you"re speaking to me. [周日] 嗨

 -嗨 Hey. - Hey. 我以为你还睡着 我出去了 I thought you were asleep. I went out. 我睡不着

 -这里很安静啊 I couldn"t sleep. - It"s so quiet here. 正是这个原因 Exactly. 看起来不错 That looks good. 我已经生疏了

 -什么? I"m rusty. - What? 我说 "我已经生疏了" I said, "I"m rusty." 噢 我以为你说了什么别的 Oh. I thought you said something else. 这些吃的哪里来的? Where did you get these? 我去了商店 I went to the store. 怎么 你以为都是我带来的吗? So what, did you think I brought all of that with me? 商店离这里大概有 4 英里 The store is like 4 miles. 是啊 我这么走着走着就到了 Well, I just started walking and then I was there. 别这样说 Please don"t say that. 因为我不会再忍♥受你那样对待我 这就是原因 Because I won"t stand to be treated by you That way anymore, that"s why. 我根本不在意! I don"t care about that! 这对我们两人都是侮辱! And that is insulting to the both of us. 我得挂了 她在看着 I have to go, she"s watching.

 别问 Don"t ask. 是詹姆斯吗? Was that James? 你那里的人不懂"别问"是什么意思吗? Does "don"t ask" mean something different where you"re from? 我们明明从同一个地方来的 We"re from the same place. 我真希望不是 I"d really rather not. 我不确定你是不是还在里面 I wasn"t sure if you were still in here. 我还能在哪儿? Where else would I be? 你想出去走走什么的吗? You wanna go for a walk or something? 外面天气不错 It"s nice out. 我的脸好疼 My face hurts. 什么意思? How do you mean? 你现在能别逼着我说话吗? Can you please not make me talk right now? 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 你在这里面做什么? What are you doing in here? 你是什么意思? What do you mean? 你在做什么? 我是说 实际上 What are you doing? Like, actually. 这里面黑漆漆的 It"s all dark in here. 我在躲 I"m hiding. 躲什么? From what? 像这里一样的地方离城市那么近 It drives me crazy that places like this 简直让我抓狂

 Are so close to the city. 像这里一样的地方? Places like this? 是啊 你懂的 在这里宁静不再是传说 Yeah, you know, where tranquility isn"t just a myth. 你随时可以到这里来 反正我家人不住了 You can come here any time my family isn"t using it. 什么时候都可以吗 吉妮? Any time, Ginny? 劳动节 阵亡将士纪念日 国♥庆♥节 都可以吗? Labor Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July? 我告诉过你别叫我吉妮 I told you not to call me Ginny. 他只是在开玩笑 He"s joking. 好吧 可有些玩笑让我很不爽 Well, some jokes make me feel uncomfortable. 这是我的错吗?

 -不 不算是 This is my fault? - No, not really. 我们能别这样吗 拜托? Can we not do this, please? 我以为我们是来这里放松的 至少我这么觉得 I thought we came here to relax, or at least I did. 我不知道你们俩在搞什么鬼 I don"t know about what you two are doing. 好吧 不管放松或者度假 Well, relaxing or having a vacation 都意味着某个时候会结束 Would imply that at some point it might end. 因此你无法真正远离一切 So you can"t really get away from it all 你如果只想这样 那么 If that"s all you are doing, you know. 你就是个扫兴的废物 Then you"re just a bum. 你是个废物吗 吉妮? Are you a bum, Ginny? 你这么说真是既蠢又差劲 What a stupid, shitty thing to say. 如果要回去的话 我完全没问题 I don"t care at all about going back.

 事实上 我现在想想 还不如不来呢 And in fact, now that I think about it, I"d just as soon not. 没错 斯嗷-扫 西应-兴 扫兴 Right. B-U-M, bum. 管好你自己的事吧 殿下 Just mind your own business, Your Majesty. 好了 嗯... Okay, um... 你要去哪里? Where are you going? 我只是想 嗯... I"m just gonna, uh... 给你们两个一点空间 Give you two a little space. 没必要 我们好得很 Not necessary. We"re fine. 我还是要走开一下 I"m still going to just excuse myself. 求你别走

 -是啊 求求你别走 Please don"t. - Yeah, please don"t. 谢谢你了 你可真是成熟啊 Thank you. That was very mature. 像你这样每时每刻都知晓一切 What"s it like having all the answers 是种什么样的感觉? All the time to everything? 一定非常奢侈 It must be such a luxury. 是啊 简直无法衡量 It is. Immeasurably. 请你别这样 Please don"t do this. 我是说 这并不是世界末日 I mean, it"s not the end of the world 但你是不是至少可以承认 But could you at least acknowledge 你一直都在琢磨 That you never stopped to think about 我也许想从这次旅行中得到什么? What I might have wanted from this trip? 你是说我是个差劲的朋友吗?

 Are you calling me a lousy friend? 你说你是个差劲的朋友吗? Are you saying you"re a lousy friend? 我不知道你想要我说什么 I don"t know what you want me to say. 我爱你超过一切 你这蠢货 I love you more than anything, you stupid brat. 好啊 我们不如交换一下立场 看到时感觉如何 Well, we should trade places. See how we feel then. 噢 抱歉 Oh, sorry. 没关系 Uh, it"s okay. 各位 这是里奇 Guys, this is Rich. 他父母的房♥子在隔壁 His parents have a place next door. 嗨

 -嗨 里奇 我是詹姆斯 Hey. - Hey, Rich, I"m James. 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you. 午饭怎么样? How was lunch? 不...

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